The base of the original St. Mary's River Aqueduct of the Miami and Erie Canal still stands; however the base now supports a multiple steel pipeline aqueduct to feed water to the canal that still extends to Delphos, Ohio. The latest improvements to the aqueduct were the spillways. constructed in 1988.ODNR
In 1943 the wooden St. Mary's River Aqueduct collapsed47 and was later replaced by a steel pipe system to supply water northward. State water sales to the St. Marys woolen mill and Weston Paper Mfg. continued into the 1960s. Sales to Goodyear Tire and the Delphos, Ohio, "Bendix Works" lasted into the 1970s.
Today, only one business still purchases water supplied through this aqueduct.
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page 47 Source: “Miami and Erie Canal Corridor Association Resource Plan “